* Denotes multiple events
Partial List
Iowa Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
Iowa Bankers Association
Kansas Bankers Association
Missouri Bankers Association
National Association Insurance and Financial Planners
Nebraska Bankers Association
Pennsylvania Bankers Association
South Dakota Bankers Association
Southern Oklahoma Bankers Association
Arizona Credit Union League
Arkansas Credit Union League *
Arkansas Superior Federal Credit Union
Combined Council of Automated Credit Unions
Credit Union Members Mortgage
Dallas Area Teacher’s Credit Union
Denton Area Teacher’s Credit Union
Education Credit Union Council
Florida Credit Union League
Iowa Credit Union League
Mississippi Credit Union League
Montana Credit Union League
Oklahoma Credit Union League
Oklahoma Employee Credit Union
Southwest Educators Credit Union
Telco Federal Credit Union
Tennessee Credit Union League
Texas Credit Union League *
Utah Credit Union League
Visions Federal Credit Unions
Weokie Credit Union *
Advanced Planning, Inc
Anchor Bank
BKD Accounting
Farm Credit Bank of Texas*
Farm Credit of New Mexico
Farm Credit Services Michigan Heartland
Farm Credit Services of America
Great Plains Ag Credit
Heritage Land Bank
Independent Community Bankers of North Dakota
Louisiana Land Bank
Missouri League of Financial Institutions
Nebraskaland National Bank
Pennsylvania Institute of CPA’s
Richard Gagne and Associates
Southeastern Michigan Farm Credit Services
Visions Bank
Western States Bank Directors
Wilson Bank and Trust
“We appreciated the program you presented at our Annual Stockholder’s Meeting. The program was truly excellent, and you were a pleasure to work with. You held the attention of the audience for the entire program, and the standing ovation you received at the end was obviously a tribute to your program and your excellent manner of presentation.”
– Farm Credit of New Mexico
“Thank you for your outstanding presentation. We received nothing but the highest remarks on your delivery and message.”
– Mississippi Credit Union Association
“In the past, we have had difficulty keeping attendees until the last session. We asked you to provide a motivational speech that would send people home on a high note… you met and exceeded our expectations. Your combination of message and music motivated our audience. They left with a song in their heart which translates beautifully into the “high note” that we wanted to end the conference with.”
– Texas Credit Union League